Sunday, May 24, 2020

Personal Statement On Self Harm Essay - 1071 Words

In middle school, I thought of self harm every day. Luckily, I knew that self harm was a permanent fix to a temporary problem. I thought of doing self harm to myself because I was a victim of bullying. Having never been bullied before, I didn t know how to cope with it at first. A group of five girls set out to make my life miserable, because they were jealous of the way I looked. From the start of 6th grade to the middle of 8th grade, there wasn’t a day that went by that I was not picked on. I had been pushed into lockers, tripped, and verbally abused, but I never asked for help. I didn’t think anyone could help. My classmates all saw it happening to me but they never said anything. I believe that they never stepped in, because they didn’t want it to happen to them. I started missing classes to hide out in the bathroom, and I soon started missing days because I would stay home. I missed so much that the school sent home attendance letters voicing their concern with the amount of absences I had. I received nasty notes in my locker, and on my desk s saying how I was such an annoyance to the world and that I shouldn’t be such a loser. Sometimes they would follow me down the hallways whispering things to me. I couldn’t even use the restroom in peace, because they would be standing by the sinks waiting to verbally harass me. The secretaries in the office knew me by name because I would call home daily, claiming to be sick. My parents thought I just didn t like school andShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement On Self Harm1319 Words   |  6 PagesSelf-harm patients are at a risk for suicide whether this is an intended outcome or a result of self-harm gone wrong. 25% of people who commit suicide will have been seen in a hospital setting for a self harm injury in the past 12 months (Emerson, 2010). 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